Berichten in de categorie: Europees Recht

ECtHR: system of compensatory remedies under former Slovenian banking law is incompatible with the right of property

Extraordinary measures taken by the Bank of Slovenia in respect of several major Slovenian banks, resulting in the cancellation of all shares or subordinated bonds held by the applicants, breached the right to property under Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).

Euro Interest Rate Derivatives cartel: European Commission corrects insufficient reasoning in decisions and imposes fines.

The European Commission adopted two decisions regarding the Euro Interest Rate Derivatives cartel, by which several European banks allegedly manipulated interest rates, such as the Euribor, for derivative products, which the Commission deemed contrary to Article 101 TFEU. The Commission initiated an investigation in 2008 following a request for a fine exemption by a bank…. Lees meer »

AG Bobek: Takeover Directive precludes res judicata decisions imposing administrative penalties to parties not part of the proceedings

Advocate General Bobek rendered his Opinion in Adler Real Estate and Others  (Cases C-546/18 andC-605/18). He argues that Articles 4 and 17 of the Takeover Directive, in conjunction with Article 47 of the Charter, preclude national law provisions that provide for a decision with res judicata effects from imposing, in a subsequent administrative procedure, sanctions on parties who were… Lees meer »

Advisory Opinion EFTA Court beneficial ownership and General Data Protection regulation

In its decision of 22 December 2020, the EFTA Court issued its Advisory opinion regarding Article 30(1) of Directive (EU) 2015/849 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing (AML4). The Advisory… Lees meer »

Europese Commissie start gerechtelijke procedure tegen Spanje: Spaanse regels inzake administratieve aansprakelijkheid in strijd met beginselen van het EU-recht en belemmeren schadeloosstelling voor inbreuken op EU-recht.

Europese Commissie start gerechtelijke procedure tegen Spanje: Spaanse regels inzake administratieve aansprakelijkheid in strijd met beginselen van het EU-recht en belemmeren schadeloosstelling voor inbreuken op EU-recht.